
The curious case of Electro Kabuki enquiries

Casting our eyes over the enquiry log for Electro Kabuki creates a sense of wonder at the diversity of the system’s geographic appeal – and generates more than a little curiosity about the kinds of organisations looking to deploy staged reveals. We despatch EK systems to the four corners of the globe. A quick glance at the enquiry log for the last couple of months alone shows the US, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, the UAE, Mexico, France, Germany and Iceland amongst others.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve fielded enquiries for single cables, flight cases and a Firing Box to sophisticated multi-drop systems comprising 60 EK modules. And loads of requests for Starter Packs – both the basic and new DMX versions. That’s hardly surprising as they offer an easy and affordable route into flawless reveals through EK ownership. Some new customers are already taking advantage of the DMX Starter Pack discount and adding extra EK modules from the outset: one customer wanted eight additional modules, another wanted 20! We’re okay with that.

But back to the diversity. It’s not only the geographic spread of enquiries but the different types of organisation that illustrate Electro Kabuki’s broad appeal. A school in Dorset is considering a Starter Pack; how cool will that school production be? There are TV production companies, theatres, a show choir, event organisers, professional contract staging crews (obviously) and dance companies. And our good friends at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio (they needed an extra 20-metre cable, presumably to rig the live EK drop in their outdoor summer show).

From the scale of enquiries and orders, Electro Kabuki clearly captures the imagination of anyone looking to make a visual impact – from school plays to high-profile product launches, it would seem. For the old hands in the rigging and staging business, we think the dependability we meticulously engineer into every part of the EK system puts the spectre and embarrassment of failed reveals to bed. Finally, it’s an effect they can trust.

Let us know how you’re using you EK system – or how you plan to use it. We may feature it here. And yes, photos and videos are always welcome.

(Acknowledgement: world map graphic created by Freepik)

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