Month: August 2021

New rigging company chooses Electro Kabuki.

We have a new direct Electro Kabuki customer in Erlend Webb, director of newly formed business Webb’s Rigging Ltd and a highly regarded professional in the rigging sector.

While Webb’s Rigging may be a new business in the events industry, Erlend is not. In fact, he’s a veteran with more than 20 years of experience in TV productions, theatre, film and live events including rock & roll tours and Olympic ceremonies – and he is acutely familiar with Electro Kabuki.

Erlend set up his business in March 2020, which unfortunately coincided with the arrival of the first coronavirus lockdown. Despite the difficulties imposed by Covid on the events sector, Erlend’s reputation and expertise have kept him busy over the past 18 months.

He has used Electro Kabuki many times over the years, predominantly with his work in TV using rented EK systems or EK kits belonging to studios or venues. That’s why the dependable system became his kabuki drop solution of choice for any rigging project that required curtains, drapes or props to be released with precision timing.

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